gosh, this sucks..
i'm a prisoner at my own home..
i can't do anything i wan w/o YOU commenting something..
i get it, i kinda screwed up during my semester..
and YOU're doing a great job telling me the same things OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER again..
it's already burnt in the back of my mind..
correction, more like front..
in fact, it's the only thing i can see or think of when i see YOU..
the worst part is, i can't tell YOU how i feel..
cuz it might hurt YOU or i'd be jus plain rude..
i get it already! i'm not a kid, i totally understand wat ur tryna say..
YOU dun hafta ask me the SAME DAMN THING everyday!!!
can YOU just leave me alone already!!! GOSH!!! =(