oh gosh.. where do i begin.. there's so much to update bout.. hmmm, i think i'll jus update some la..
so, ok.. 22nd august : went out wif a really 'AMAZING' fren..and by amazing, lemme tell u a story bout him.. (a story he told me la, btw) few days back, he went out wif his ex-skoolmates.. one of his frens fetch him la.. then, b4 sendin him home, his fren ask him to follow him to da petrol station first.. he said ok.. turns out, his fren doesn't know how to pump the pressure for the tyre.. my fren helped his fren pump the pressure.. then, SUDDENLY, they realised... one of the cap on the tyre was MISSING.. then, my AMAZING fren suggested the most AMAZING thing.. which is to go 'a certain somewhere' to steal another car's tyre cap.. it was rilli funny so i was laughin the whole time.. then suddenly he told me, they really did it.. they really went that 'certain somewhere' to steal another tyre cap.. imagine how shocked i was at dat time..hahaha, but it was quite funny la anyway.. and anoda reason why he's amazing is bcuz, i finally found someone who can talk crap as much as me, which is him la.. so i would say, he has an AMAZING crapping skill as well.. haha (angelin must be horrified now.. to think there's anoda person who's like me out there, hahaha)
september : SPM trials.. ok, i haven't gotten over the nightmare of SPM trials yet.. when i'm finally ready, i'll spill da beans la..
september 6: my sis flew off to UK to further her studies in University of Edinburgh.. sent her off at KLIA.. i've never been to KLIA, so wow, the place was rilli nice la.. hehe..
september 28 : HELP university SASA scholarship interview.. my gosh, if i knew it would make such a HUGE d'rence, i would have woken my bro up earlier.. angelin registered like 10, 20 minutes b4 me.. she went home at 10am, i went home at 2PM!!! thank God there were the three guys (they're under the SASA scholarship programme) who 'baby-sitted' us.. haha.. they were really nice ppl to talk to, and they were rilli humorous.. so, with them around, it wasn't too boring waiting for my turn to be interviewed la.. when i finally went in the room, gosh, actually, i still dunno how to describe till now, whether it was good or bad.. thru out the interview, they were giving compliments and also giving 'kritikan yang membina' (sort of la, hehe)
1)they say dat i dun seem every passionate bout engineering (swt-ness)
2)they say dat i present myself very confidently and all, so i should consider arts related jobs such as business, marketin etc.. (swt-ness, is dat suppose to be good or bad?)
3)from my list of activities dat i took part in, one of the interviewers said dat i'm very actively involved in activities.. so she asked me, will i be able to survive if i were to suddenly switched to jus academics alone i.e. engineering.. (er, i may not be like, the cream of the crop, but i felt offended bcuz it sounds as tho she's indicatin dat i cant study) but anyway, obviously i'll find sports or activities to take part in along the way while studyin la.. ''all work and no play makes jack a dull boy'' hehe..
but wat they ask or shud i say, 'tembak' angelin was MUCH worse than mine la.. sry if i may offend the HELP reps by saying this but, i dun think dat anyone, includin the interviewers, deserve to say such a thing to others (in this case, angelin) terrible!!! but anyway, this is a new experience for me la.. now i'll know dat types of questions ppl may ask me in other interviews in the future.. hehe..
ok, so now, i shall name my career aspects..
1) engineering : currently my first choice.. plannin to do e&e bcuz i havent really decided which aspect of engi do i wanna do yet.. and e&e topics also happen to be my fav topics in physics.. hehe..
drawbacks: i wanna major in add maths, and study physics as well. apparently no career has such a thing.. so, sadly, i still will be doing calculations but maybe not dat much dla..
2) actuarial science : the reasons why i considered this career is cuz my bro suggested it and also bcuz this career involves ADD MATHS! haha..
drawbacks: actuarial science involves accounts and economics (dun rilli like accounts, and so far, out of SO MANY ppl dat i know who studies econs, only one person tell me econs is fun).. oh, and actuarial science is in demand worldwide but not so in malaysia..
3) marketing : hahaha, actually, da only reason why i wan to do marketing is bcuz, i love to talk and socialise.. and also, i have been told dat i have the "gift of the gap" LOL!!
drawbacks: the only knowledge i've known so far bout marketin is thru my experience as assistant marketing director in YE las year.. which is not much.. and anyway, by studyin e&e, i can opt to marketing after dat.. haha, so i think i'll still prefer engineering..
so for now, i shall stick wif 'engineering' as my first choice.. meanwhile, i shall focus on SPM first..
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