facebook. the social networking site which enables ppl to kip in touch with others easily as well as to kill time with its various sideline entertainments.. and today, most ppl have gotten addicted to it.. as u venture deeper into the facebook world, you'll notice a myriad of somewhat entertaining and occasionally annoying facebook personalities. here are some of the commonly seen ones..
1) the status updaters..exhibit A :
status : i'm bored...
*few seconds later* status : going shopping now..
*few minutes later* status : at the shoping mall now..
*few minutes later* status : jus bought a new shirt..
*few minutes later* status : taking a break now..
*few minutes later* status : drinking starbucks coffee and eating J.co doughnuts now.. Yum..
status updates are fine (and twitter for the matter), it's a nice way to express wat ur doing and to kip ppl in the know.. but there are jus some ppl who post WWAAYYY too many status updates.. well, newsflash ppl, unless ur some hot shot celebrity, no one rilli cares wat u do EVERY second.. so, kip it to a moderate level, will ya..
2) the relationship updaters..person A is in a relationship with person B.
*few minutes later* person A is in a relationship.
*few minutes later* person A is in a relationship and it's complicated.
*few minutes later* person A is married.
*few minutes later* person A is single.
*few minutes later* person A is in a relationship with person B.
for those of you who are attached, congrats, we're happy for you.. we know ur over the moon n you wan the whole world to know about it, but the constant change in ur r'ship status can be pretty annoying.. so if it's public attention and acknowledgment that you wan, all you hafta do is ask.. we're be more than happy to help you spread the news..
3) the one who never misses an opportunity to comment or like..i'm sure some of us have these kinda frens.. every page u go or every new video or photo u see has a 'like' or a comment from these ppl, as though it's a SIRIM chop.. it's either these ppl have a WHOLE lot of interest and like alot of things and have alot of things to say or they're merely attention seekers..
4) the LOL-ers..person A: hi, long time no see, how are you.. LOL
person B: i'm great.. how bout you? LOL
person A: i'm doing fine too.. LOL
person B : LOL
well, there's ntg wrong about Laughing Out Loud.. but let's face it, how many of us are rilli laughing out loud?.. and it's being used so nonchalantly at the end of every sentence dat LOL has become the new full stop. a stop to da whole conversation as a matter of fact.. cuz there's absolutely ntg you can reply to a LOL
5) the profile picture updaters..ppl who change numerous profile pictures faster than you or i can blink..
6) the pokers..po-ke-ty poke poke.. nuff said..
7) the game inviters.."Here is one Coffee Beans ingredient for you to improve your restaurant's menu! Could you help me by sending one back?"
"so-and-so has lost his/her sheep. help him/her find his/her sheep"
*but anyway, this post was not meant to be offensive in any way.. it's just the truth from wat i see from viewing facebook very frequently.. =D